sonic activation, saaleck | 2023
Design Akademie Saaleck, Marzona Stiftung

sonic activation, is the evolving site-specific format developed by LABOUR since 2018 that explores and presents architectural space with sound, drawing on a building’s structural framework through its many rooms and interstitial spaces to encourage active listening. The duo engaged performers and loudspeakers to create a sequence of spatial listening situations in a sonic parcours, with the audience led by sound from one sonic event to the next.

For this occasion in saaleck, LABOUR teamed up with dieDAS in Bad Kösen to develop and present a new sonic activation in and around the former house of racist ideologue and architect Paul Schultze-Naumburg, presenting the unique acoustic characteristics of this strange inner architecture and surrounding estate in a sonic parcours for the public.

sonic activation saaleck by LABOUR | video shot and edited by Moritz Freudenberg

concept, direction & music:: LABOUR (Farahnaz Hatam & Colin Hacklander)
special thanks to: dieDas, Callie’s and Stefanie Palumbo

Made possible through the generous support of Musikfonds.

‹‹ sungazing athens by LABOUR Kuboraum Digital Sound Residency ››